Parking alert: Please do not park in any of the reserved spaces in the Mitchell-Hamline lot.


The backbone of real revival.

Prayer doesn't start revival, prayer is the revival.

And if we want to see a move of God in our cities, everything we do must be completely saturated in prayer.

Can we PRAY for you?

We firmly believe in the power of prayer and it would be our joy to pray for you!

Send us your requests HERE.

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”
James 5:16

Join the Prayer Team

We envision the Vertical Prayer Team being not just 20 people, but 200 people! Of all the ways you can serve at Vertical, THIS is the most important.
A group of people sitting on the floor, bowing their heads in prayer
A group of people sitting on the floor, bowing their heads in prayer
Two people sitting next to each other, hands folded in prayer
Two people's hands folded in prayer

Pre-Service Prayer

Everyone is invited to come pray together at 8:00 AM on Sundays!

You'll find us downstairs in the Family Room praying over Vertical's services, our community, our cities, and our nation.

Prayer Sundays

Four times a year on the fifth Sunday of the month, Vertical Church participates in an all-service prayer gathering instead of our regular Sunday Service.

If you've ever been a part of a Prayer Sunday, you know why these Sundays are some of our favorites.
Two people sitting on a banister outside, hands folded in prayer. Graphic overlay with the words
Two people sitting on a banister outside, hands folded in prayer. Graphic overlay with the words
Two people sitting on a banister outside, hands folded in prayer. Graphic overlay with the words

Evening Prayer 

We’re a family that believes firmly in the power of prayer. You are invited to gather together with us in prayer every third Wednesday of the month.
…for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.

Isaiah 56:7b