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June at Vertical Update



June 2024

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Getting our JOY back in our Citizenship
Pastor Chris

Philippians 3:17-4:1

We are citizens of heaven. Our citizenship gives us a sense of waiting-we are awaiting the return of our Savior, Jesus. He will finally and fully complete His eternal rescue of us at the moment of His return. Praise God!
Looking Ahead

July is already next week! With a new month, we are heading into a new theme-realign. This is a time to realign with the Spirit's work in and around Vertical Church. We're not asking God to get on our program, but to lead us to get on His. Therefore, this is a time of assessing where our ministries are and where the Lord may want to bring us next.
Prayerfully Consider

In realigning with God's heart, Vertical Church is moving into a a month of budgeting and planning for the next year with the resources God has given us. Would you consider answering the call to give as we steward all that we have for His glory?
Give to Vertical Church
This Sunday

Vertical Church is founded on the principal of unceasing prayer. Let's go before the Lord in prayer this Sunday, June 30th as we prepare to head into July.

See you Sunday,
Vertical Church!

Giving update

We are God's people stewarding God's resources for God's glory!

Monthly giving goal: $67,000

Current total: $54,788.55



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Vertical Church St. Paul
55 Victoria Street North
St. Paul, MN 55102

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