Parking alert: Please do not park in any of the reserved spaces in the Mitchell-Hamline lot.

May at Vertical



MAY 2024
Serving in Jesus
Pastor Garrett

"Search me, O God, and know my heart..." (Psalm 139:4)

PG's sermon last Sunday helped us realize some of our shadow motivations for our good deeds - as humans, none of us have completely pure motives. But in Christ, He examines our hearts and gives us His love for others, so when we serve them, we can serve from a place of genuine, godly love, forgetting ourselves and pressing onward toward the goal of Christ-likeness.
May: a month to release

May is a month to release our fears, shame, heartaches, and temptations to God and allow Him to bring us JOY.

It's also a month to release many of the college students from our body as you head out to summer break! We wish you well, and we'll see you in the fall.
Maddie & Zak's story

The Carchedi's have experienced some miraculous physical healing and other big answers to prayer recently!

From a crippling back injury to a near-miscarriage and more, they've navigated some tough situations while the Lord has grown their faith.

Stay tuned later this month to read the full testimony.
Serving needs

Parking Team
We're in big need of people to help our growing church find parking on Sundays! This role helps ensure everyone can get to Sunday service smoothly.

Welcome Team
The Welcome Team is crucial to providing an environment where anyone can feel welcome with the love of Christ. If you feel gifted in making new friends or making others feel comfortable around you, we'd love to see you on Welcome Team.
Sign up to serve
Gospel goodbye: Ryan & Jamie Jones

On Sunday, we said goodbye to Ryan and Jamie Jones as they are moving to the west coast for six months to seek the Lord in rest.

Ryan was the previous Pastoral Resident for Worship and recently stepped back from that role to focus on his mental health. Jamie is the current Communications Director but will leave that role as they move.

Please pray for the Jones family as they pursue healing, rest, and seek the Lord on what He has in store for them next - and pray He'd send them back to us. ;)

Coming up this month

MAY 5 - 11:00 AM

MAY 5 - 6:30 PM

MAY 12 - 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 AM

MAY 17 - 7:00 PM

*painting by @sowing.wonder
Full calendar

Giving update

We are God's people stewarding God's resources for God's glory!

Monthly giving goal: $67,000

April total: $56,486.89



How can we pray for you? The pastoral team would love to get your requests.

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Vertical Church St. Paul
55 Victoria Street North
St. Paul, MN 55102

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